How to Use Harith in Mobile Legends: A Beginner’s Guide


Harith is a mischievous furry cat. He fled Magic Forest and abandoned practising magic just to find a place where he could fully reveal his talent.

Harith is a mobility mage that can frisk to different locations leaving the enemy gnarly catching him.

Learn how to use Harith and indulge yourself with the best wizard among Feline Race.


Key Insight(Passive)Key Insight(Passive) Synchro FissionSynchro Fission Chrono DashChrono Dash Zaman ForceZaman Force


Laning Phase


With his abilities, Harith can survive a lane alone. Since Harith is a mobile hero, he needs to get levels as quickly as possible to dominate the game.

Item Build

Harith has two sets of item build that you can use. The first is pure burst magic damage and the second is mixed magic with attack damage.

Burst Magic Damage Build

For the early stage, first, buy Magic Necklace to sustain your mana when spamming your first skill. Next up is your boots to increase your movement speed and upgrade to Magic Shoes to get a 10% CD reduction and an additional 40 movement speed. Continuing, finish your Calamity Reaper.

For a mid-game to late game, build Holy Crystal to increase Magic attack by 21%-35% that scales up every level and then follow it up with Concentrated Energy. Now that you have damage and sustain items, consider getting a mobility item like Winter Truncheon and Immortality to top off your build.

Magic damage + Attack Damage Build

Harith is all about CdR. Build as many CdR items as you can to take advantage of his skill and maximise kill potential.

Note: You can experiment with your item build if you think there’s a more suitable item that will fit your style or needs. Just don’t overdo the experiment that you will completely alter the itemisation.

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Harith has a high magic output damage and damage attack that can easily take down an enemy.

Your aim is to kite your enemy in the early stage to dominate your lane. You can do that by continually spamming your first skill to an enemy to lower its HP. It would be a good sign if you managed to force an enemy to get back to base. It only means that you’re winning the laning stage.

For mid to late game, you can use Harith as a split pusher. He can clear a wave quickly with not much effort, just make sure that the minions are in the centre of your first skill to deal with a ton of real magic damage.

In a team clash, land your ultimate as efficiently as possible. Take advantage of additional magic and attack damage to nuke and kill an enemy. Ensure to only move around the sword-shaped aura, or else you’ll lose the essence of its ULT power.

Battle Spell

Harith can use different types of spells depending on your needs.

Use Retribution if you prefer laning and jungle to get a quick level.

Use Sprint to have higher mobility. Quick movement speed.

Use Flicker if you prefer getting an additional escape ability.

Use Aegis if you’re planning to be more of a clash initiator.

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