Bane ML Best Item Build, Spell, Emblem, Strategy Guide


Bane is the King of the Frozen Seas who infuses his blade with tidal energy, drinks ale and spits venom, and summons a school of sharks.

He used to be a pirate ghoul before developers revamped him and became a pudgy pirate octopus. Even though looks have been renewed, Bane is still as violent, cruel and cunning as before.

This article will teach you how to use Bane MLBB, the best item build, battle spell, emblem, and strategy in this current patch.

How To Use Bane Skills

Bane is usually used in push strategies line up. With his insane skills with high physical attack damage, you can quickly clear lanes and takedown towers effortlessly.

Passive Skill: Crab Claw Cannon

Fire the cannon straight to the creeps to have a chance of bouncing it to your enemy. Remember that the damage rebound has more significant damage than the first target hit.

Second Skill: Rum

Take a sip of rum to restore your HP and increase your movement speed slightly. You can then spit out the rum you drank to an enemy to deal magic damage.

Note: The longer you hold the rum in Bane’s mouth, the more damage you can deal.

Ultimate: Deadly Catch

Summon these deadly sharks when in clash to deal massive physical damage, knockback and slow down enemies. It’s best for pushing lanes, too, since it can damage turrets.

Best Item Build For Bane

Fighter Build

  • Tough Boots
  • Endless Battle
  • Blade of the Heptaseas
  • Bloodlust Axe
  • Berserker’s Fury
  • Radiant Armor

bane ml build 2022

Spare Equipment:

  • Blade of Despair
  • Brute Force Breastplate

What Emblem to Use For Bane

Bane Fighter Emblem

If you’ve already maxed out the Fighter Emblem, here’s the recommended point distribution:

+3 Bravery – it will increase your Physical Attack Damage by 12.

+3 Invasion – it will increase your Physical PEN by 6.

Place the check on Festival Blood to get an extra spell vamp.

Bane Assassin Emblem

If you’ve already maxed out the Assassin Emblem, here’s the recommended point distribution:

+3 Bravery – it will increase your Physical Attack Damage by 12.

+3 Bloodthirst– it will increase your Spell Vamp by 5%.

Choose High and Dry for your Talent to deal bonus damage whenever an enemy is alone.

Bane Jungler Emblem

If you’ve already maxed out the Jungler Emblem, here’s the recommended point distribution:

+3 Balance– it will increase your Hybrid Lifesteal by 5%.

+3 Iron – it will increase your Damage Reduction from Monsters by 21%.

Choose Demon Slayer for your Talent to deal bonus damage on lord, Turtle, and Turret.

Bane Gameplay Tips and Strategy

Laning Phase

Bane should be an offlane, and you should farm quickly to get early core items.

If this happens, you need to lane on the bottom and focus on pushing the lane. And do some quick rotations.

Push. Segue. Clash.

Early Game

For the early game, you’re going offlane, and farm as much as possible to get the starter items you need.

You can quickly clear the waves using your first and second skills. After clearing the first wave, immediately run to the crab to get the gold and the other jungle creep. And then, go back to your lane after jungling and rotate to the middle.

Mid Game

Once you have a couple of core items for the mid-game, you should roam more often to pick off a kill or clash and then get some objective like pushing the lane and getting towers.

ALSO READ: Jawhead ML: Best Item Build, Spell, Emblem, Strategy Guide 2022

Late Game

There will be two scenarios for the late game, if you’re in advantage or not. If you have the edge, you can continue doing the strategy of pushing and picking off. If not, you have to segue push. The plan is to cut the creep wave of the lane that the enemy is pushing. How to do it? You have to be very careful about advancing to the lane without your enemy noticing it. Hiding in the bush is an effective thing to do. Once you’ve cleared the wave, immediately teleport back to your base and reset. Keep doing this until you normalize the creep wave.

Battle Spell


Use Arrival for the spell. This will help you get more mobility around the map, go over pushed lanes, defend, and respond to clashes.

Do you have any additional tips on how to use Bane for beginners? Drop your comments below!

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